Friday, March 21, 2008

Visiting the "bone doctor"...

If you recall, the very first day we were in Hong Kong, Katherine sprained her right ankle. It's been a few months, but she still has lingering pain, so we decided to go visit a nearby "bone doctor". He's the Chinese equivalent to a chiropractor and uses both massage and topical herb techniques.

Katherine had actually visited a different bone doctor the day of her injury (and again a few days later), but he didn't appear to have much impact. This bone doctor experience, however, was quite different. The process was pretty painful for Katherine, but afterwards her ankle was feeling noticeably better. (Her range of motion was improved and movement which caused pain previously no longer did.)

Let's take a look at the first stage of the procedure in a little video...

The doctor is examining and realigning the muscles and joints in her foot. Next, the doctor's assistant applies an herbal compress...

Just a little glimpse into one facet of Chinese medicine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoa...I hope Katherine is much better now...I didn't realize the injury was continuing to bother her...truly I think this doctor would be valuable to the HOKIE football team...could we get him on staff?


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