Friday, March 21, 2008

An exciting day for Fui Fui!

And that day is: bath day! Woo!

We like to bathe Fui Fui once a week (time permitting) and I thought you might enjoy getting a peek. Those offended by nude cat footage might want to look away, however. ;>

First, we approach the unsuspecting cat...

Then we take him to the shower for a thorough brushing...

Yes, that is an enormous mass of post-brushing hair in the upper left corner. Hong Kong is getting warmer, so Fui Fui is starting to shed.

Next comes some bath-time video!

He's actually extremely behaved in the bathtub. He'll walk around and struggle a bit, but never hiss, growl, bite, or scratch. He also seems to love that freshly-bathed feeling (running in a playfully excited way through the apartment for quite some time), so maybe that's why he's so tolerant during the process.

Here he is, being a very good boy while soaking wet...

After we dry him off, it's time for a little reward...

Bird watching with daddy!


Carson said...

aww! so cute! I very much enjoyed getting to watch Fui Fui's bath. :) He really is well-behaved!

Unknown said...

He is such a good kitty...I am impressed...and glad that Daddy gave him special attention after the event concluded =)


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