Thursday, March 6, 2008

A care package from a concerned reader...

Today Katherine and I had a wonderful surprise delivered to our doorstep...

One of our GK+HK readers, who is a member of our prestigious Anonymously-Protected Readers Sending Care Packages Program (APRSCPP), realized that Hong Kong would be a tough place to obtain...

"My Little Pony" gummy treats
(I find myself prancing as I chew them)

Jones Cream Soda Carbonated Candy
(which are a bit like Sweet-Tarts, except instead of being tart,
they feel like frothy carbonation bubbles in your mouth)

"Barbie as Island Princess" gummy treats
(the gummies that make you fabulously gorgeous,
though the wrinkled packaging doesn't suit Barbie)

"Justice League Unlimited" graham snacks
(a bit more super-powered than your average teddy grahams)

A hearty, belly-filled thank-you to this kind supporter of GK+HK!


Unknown said...

WOW...what a fabulous surprise!!! I know you are ecstatic. ENJOY!

Unknown said...

Jesper says "funny stuff, funny stuff!"

We want to know the purpose of the word verification, please!

Unknown said...

Charlie Bill says "You are quite funny. Tell your wife that you guys should have a good life!"

Charlie Bill is one of my favorite student who is in my office right now!

Charlie Bill says the word verification is used to protect our email response from viruses!


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GK+HK is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Hong Kong License.