Saturday, March 29, 2008

Typical Hong Kong fast-food breakfast...

I thought I might show you what a very common breakfast looks like at a traditional fast-food place in Hong Kong (a locally owned and operated place, not a globally franchised place like McDonald's ;>)...

Katherine posing with the goods.
Total cost: about US$3.

A fresh lemon, sliced and steeped
in hot water and honey. A wonderful drink!

A soup composed of macaroni, pork, and a
certain kind of pickled Chinese vegetables.

Freshly baked and buttered bread, scrambled eggs, and a slice of spam.
(Spam is a very common breakfast meat, along with ham and hot dogs.)

The only other item was a ham and egg sandwich, which was so similar to the last picture above that I didn't feel like you needed a close-up. ;> Note the lack of crusts on the bread - this is the most common way of serving a sandwich.

Some similarities with breakfast food we might be used to in the States, but also some stark differences. Yummy nonetheless! :>

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could enjoy a hot cup of honey lemon right now! Sounds yummy!


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