Friday, March 21, 2008

Coverage of the 2008 Hong Kong Flower Show!

Each year, in March, Hong Kong hosts a week-long flower show. This year it was held in Victoria Park, which isn't all that far from where we live, so we decided to team up with Katherine's family this weekend and canvas the event.

It was huge. I can't say I've ever seen so many beautiful flowers packed into one location. (Or so many people packed into one location to look at so many beautiful flowers. :>) My pictures don't really capture that so well, but let's take a look at what they do capture...

The entrance to the show.

Taking a picture of yourself holding a ticket isn't all that easy.
HK$14 is about US$2. Well worth that price.

A whole lotta tulips - and a whole lotta people taking pictures of those tulips!

A 360 degree panoramic video taken pretty close to the center of the show.

Katherine's brother (making his first GKHK appearance!)
and mother posing with a racing flower topiary.

A floral sculpture commemorating the 2008 Olympics
(which was a common theme at the flower show).

Katherine and I strolling together, enjoying the surrounding flowers while carrying a few that we just bought (very cheaply, I might add - about US$4 for what you see). Incidentally, once I started carrying these flowers, I was almost constantly approached by people who were wanting to look at them, wanting to know how much they were, and wanting to know where to find them.

A few shots of us posing with a wall of flowers.

And a close-up on one of the flowers which adorned that wall.

I'm posing here with an extremely rare species of plant (welwitschia mirabilis) which isn't particularly pretty, but is capable of living for thousands of years. It was guarded much like a national treasure.

These orchids look remarkably like dancing ladies!
(And the Cantonese name is, in fact, "dancing orchid".)

These guys were just so cute that I HAD to sneak in a little
kiss while the security forces were distracted.

This was a pretty quick look, and far from comprehensive, but hopefully it gave you an idea of the fun we had!


Unknown said...

FABULOUS...I wish I were with you...we had the 'dancing ladies' orchid in our home for a while...a beautiful orchid (which spent 'summer camp' in a Raleigh nursery,got sick, and died...a very sad end to my beautiful orchid) So I am familiar with that one....I love to see the beauty of GOD's creations

Carson said...

I thought that orchid looked familiar! Oh dear, how sad that the Raleigh nursery killed it. :(


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