Today Katherine and I joined her parents for a visit with some long-time family friends...who happen to maintain a beautiful little fruit farm in the Yuen Long province countryside. We were invited to come help pick a luscious starfruit crop that would otherwise go to waste. We'll get to that later, though - first, let's look around the farm to see what else we can find...
A trusty murder - ah - harvesting tool. Essential.
A baby jackfruit beginning his life.
Unripened passion fruit.
Ready-to-pick Human fruit! How rare! Or maybe Katherine and I standing among the branches of an as-yet-fruitless lychee tree.
Hong Kong's species of Morning Glory.
The young fruit and flower of a banana tree.
Okay - that takes care of a quick starfruit-free tour. Back to the primary purpose of our visit...
Katherine extending her reach.
Katherine and I are dwarfed by these ginormous freaks of nature, easily hiding amongst the branches. Well, almost.
Katherine challenges her mother to a no-holds-barred starfruit eating contest.
Perhaps the GK+HK audience would like to try a little?
I would love to try some. How all needed a calm, relaxing day...I am so glad you got it. Hope you saw some birds that you could identify (and some you couldn't...a new Hong Kong challenge!)
Wow! Things that occurred to me:
1) That is indeed a WONDERFUL tool for murd- ...harvesting!
2) Jackfruit??? You can make your own gudeg! (I finally found candlenuts here, btw.)
3) After seeing the passionfruit and custard apple, I can now conclude that Hong Kong seems to specialize in most of my favorite kinds of fruit. And also durian.
4) That banana flower reminds me slightly of a Vervoid.
5) What are those plastic bags hanging all over the starfruit trees? Are they to keep pests entrapped? Or to promote fruit ripening?
6) What are you going to DO with all that starfruit???
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