Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Katherine's first day on the clock...

Today was Katherine's first day as an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong and, since I had nothing more pressing, I joined her. ;> It was mostly administrative (filling out forms, etc), but we ran into many of her colleagues and had a great lunch with the School of English leadership. Great people.

I secretly shot a tiny video of Katherine filling out her "pink form" (for payroll, etc) so you could get a quick look into the day and see a touch of Hong Kong U colonial architecture...

The first time Katherine ever visited Hong Kong U (when she was in Form 6, equivalent to 12th grade), she took a picture right in front of this fountain. Now her new office will be only a few doors away from it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

REALLY nice to have video confirmation of Katherine completing her most important piece of paperwork!


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