Friday, January 4, 2008


The last few weeks, including our first one here, have been pretty high-paced for us, so we'll be walling ourselves in for a few days to recharge the old batteries. During that time, I'll mostly be video gaming (specifically: Mass Effect) and Katherine will mostly be working on her final dissertation revisions and preparing to teach her first course, Language and Society. Not quite fair, but she'll actually get a week vacation in about a month when Chinese New Year arrives, so it'll even out then.

We've adjusted to the jet lag, Katherine is no longer hobbled by her ankle, Fui Fui is constantly playful again, we've gotten a good feel for the surrounding community, and we have equipped ourselves with all the basic day-to-day necessities. I'm also able to go out on my own and navigate, purchase, eat, etc in Cantonese, so no need to worry about me feeling trapped in the apartment (if any of you were worrying about that ;>).

Life in Hong Kong has begun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew you would adjust quickly...have a blessed day


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