Sunday, January 6, 2008

A glimpse of Hong Kong from our balcony...

We have a teeny-tiny balcony, just adjacent to our kitchen, where a dual-purpose clothing washer/dryer is installed. I ran out there this morning and shot a short vista...

A bit of a concrete jungle, no? There's actually quite a lot of greenery not too far from here, but the balcony doesn't have a good angle of it. The video starts by pointing in an easterly direction and then pans toward the north by the end. Your seeing a small chunk of the Mid-Levels West district and, if you look closely, you can even see the very common Hong Kong practice of hanging your clothes outside to dry. While we do have a dryer ourselves, it isn't very powerful or energy efficient, so we mostly opt to use Nature's own method as well. It's actually quite fast and convenient.

Also, at the end of the clip, you can look through the buildings and see a small slice of Hong Kong harbor. It's not a very far walk down there, actually.

Speaking of easy walks, Katherine can hop over to the University of Hong Kong from here in about 5 minutes. It's in the opposite direction, so you can't see any HKU buildings in the video, but perhaps I'll record that view some other time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very different than the view from my laundry room window =)


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