Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bamboo construction...

Instead of iron, which is what we're used to seeing in the States, Hong Kong construction companies use bamboo for scaffolding due to its combination of strength and flexibility. You see it everywhere, including right outside our apartment, so I thought I'd take a short video to give you an idea...

...there plenty of window glare, and my Macbook Pro isn't the easiest to point-and-shoot, but hopefully you can make out the bamboo. Mostly I did this as a quick test of creating a blog video with Quicktime on the MacBook - not too bad. You'll see more (and more interesting ;>) videos later.

1 comment:

Michael Warden said...

Cool to see this is in Hong Kong this way, I was amazed in India to see the big buildings constructed with wooden scaffolding and somewhat primitive techniques. The end results are great buildings, but amazing to see after all the power construction in the US.

Keep the posts coming!


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