Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Year Fireworks...

The most spectacular fireworks show in Hong Kong is reserved for the Chinese new year - and the event happened last night directly over Victoria Harbor (the centerpiece landmark of Hong Kong).

Instead of going down to the harbour to see the show, though, we decided to go up to Victoria Peak, which has a fantastic vantage of the harbour. It's not often you get to look down to see fireworks. ;>

On our way, we took a night stroll through Hong Kong Park...

An interesting combination of skyscrapers and nature. Once we emerged from the park, we joined the masses waiting to hitch a ride up to the Peak on the Peak Tram...

(This was taken once we got to the "front" of the line, though you can see the tram and more people are ahead of us. ;>)

As we rode up the mountain, the fireworks started and we were able to see them while en route. We arrived and secured a viewing spot just in time for the finale. Here's a little video segment from that...

(As the video plays, you should be able to see a building with lines of light that are animated in a criss-cross pattern. This is the Bank of China and is the very same criss-cross-lit building that I'm posing with in Hong Kong Park at the beginning of this post.)

After the fireworks, we explored the Peak facilities a bit (a shopping mall, restaurants, etc) and then went back home for a nice rest.

Goodness - look at that - not a single picture of food in this post. I'm sure I'll make up for that later. ;>

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE IT...just marvelous!!! Beautiful too


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