Friday, February 29, 2008

Apartment hunt!

In exactly one month, our service apartment contract will end and Katherine and I will be out on the streets...

...and walking to our new, permanent apartment. ;)

In truth, our Hong Kong apartment-hunting began about a year ago, so we have a pretty good feel for our options and where we'd like to stay. Still, yesterday, we contacted a real estate agent (who happens to be a very good friend of Katherine's former academic adviser at Hong Kong U) to see if she could help us navigate the waters. She setup four apartment viewings immediately, and there's more to come, so it's going to be a busy few weeks.

To give you a glimpse into the process, here are a few images from one that we are considering...

A good chunk of the living room.

The kitchen, which is of average Hong Kong size (and larger than our current one). The refrigerator is behind me to the left, if you were wondering, and below the microwave is a washing machine for clothing. Dishwashers and ovens are extremely uncommon in Hong Kong, and didn't exist in any of the places we've seen so far.

About half of one of the two bedrooms, which are almost equally sized.

A cleverly-disguised breakfast nook.
Or perhaps I am mistaken.

Once we have a place picked out, you'll get full coverage. :)


Unknown said...

This appears to be larger than your current space...thanks for including the is fun to go on the journey with you...this is just the next step in your adventure

Carson said...

What a lovely apartment! I really like the color of the walls...


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