Friday, February 15, 2008

Amanda Visits!

A good friend of ours, Amanda Banerjee (who some of you certainly know and who others might have met when Katherine and I were married), stayed with us for three nights this week while returning to San Francisco from West Bengal, India.

During her first day here, Thursday, Katherine and I both had to work - but we did squeeze in some sari time...

...before heading over to the University of Hong Kong for a little tour...

The next day was packed with activities, starting with a tour of the Central district where we stumbled upon the world's largest postage stamp mosaic in the Central Post Office...

We then crossed the harbor and went to Kwun Tong for a visit with Katherine's parents (and a wonderful lunch made by Katherine's mother). Once lunch was done, Katherine's mother joined us for a trip to Sai Kung, where we hopped on a private boat tour around the coastline and nearby islands...

Here's a little panoramic video which might help convey the boat experience...

Sai Kung is extremely well-known for its deliciously fresh seafood, so we appropriately finished our coastline tour with a traditional floating fish farm...

Much to our surprise, the waters surrounding the farm were teeming with jellyfish (which, along with sharks, prevent this water from being friendly to swimmers). I attempted to capture a few shots of them, but the boat was moving too quickly, producing a bunch of white blurs. ;)

We closed the evening with a dinner made from fresh (live up until they cooked it for us) locally-caught seafood (lobster, steamed fish, crab, and squid) followed by an amazing selection of mango and durian desserts. Unfortunately, before all that great food came our way, my camera ran out of battery. Whoops! Not to worry, though - you'll see more food some other day.


Unknown said...

what an adventure!

I am glad Amanda could join you =)
Very glad

Carson said...

Amanda!!! Why didn't she speak in the video? :( Bad Amanda. That black sari really suits Katherine.


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