Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm legal!

Not that I was ever illegal, but without the event that happened this week, I would have been in about a month.

All US passport holders, among others, are granted a free 90-day visa upon entry to Hong Kong - no need to apply before jumping on the plane (which makes it very easy for anyone to visit us, I might add). This was the case with me when we arrived at the end of December. We're planning to be in Hong Kong longer than 90 days, however, so about three weeks ago we visited the Hong Kong Immigration Department in order to apply for something more permanent: a dependant visa. More specifically, a visa based upon my marriage to Katherine. In Hong Kong, a visa granted through marriage to a permanent resident imparts nearly all citizenship rights (employment, investment, land ownership, education, etc) - about the only thing it doesn't provide is the right to vote, but that can be acquired eventually.

It took quite a lot of paperwork and three different visits to the Immigration Department, but this week my visa was granted! Here's a snapshot...

It's pasted on one of my passport pages. Pretty cool.

I must renew the visa each year that we are living in Hong Kong. If we live here for seven years, however, my visa status changes from dependant to permanent, so renewals no longer become necessary.

The next (and final) step in my residency process is to obtain a Hong Kong Smart Identity Card (something that has similarities with Real ID, but not nearly as feared by the public). That application will be submitted this week and I should be able to show you pictures of mine by mid-March.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to have that completed


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