Friday, February 22, 2008

A Chiu Chow dinner...

There was a time when I considered "Chinese food" to be a single category, but that is certainly not the case now. Hong Kong has a way of quickly correcting that misconception with access to unbelievable variety in food.

Last night Katherine and I sampled yet another facet of that variety, Chiu Chow, at a restaurant that was one of her favorites while studying at Hong Kong U. It was magnificent and I'm sure we'll be back many times. Here come the obligatory pictures...

A pickled vegetable condiment that the restaurant made themselves.

Chicken with a flash-fried green leafy vegetable.
(I know - I make it sound so mouth-watering. ;>)
What made this dish truly amazing was how crispy the leaves were!

Their soup of the day. It included pork, peanuts, lotus seeds,
black-eyed peas, and (as you can see in the picture) the foot of a chicken. ;>

Fresh shrimp, cucumber, vermicelli, and cilantro.

After dinner, we strolled around the nearby Kennedy Town area and found an outstanding dessert shop, so we had to stop in and try a few things...

Tong yuen (balls made from sticky rice flour dough and filled with
sesame paste) in a ginger sauce. A very quintessential Hong Kong dessert.

Yeung zi gum lo dou fu faa. A dessert soup comprised of
mango juice, freshchunks of mango, pomelo meat,
mini tapioca, and sweet-n-silky tofu.

A great way to spend a Friday evening! Fui Fui, however, had to stay at home and guard our valuables...

Beware, thief!


Unknown said...

Looks like you better watch the scale

Carson said...

I say, ignore the scale, those look DELICIOUS... particularly the shrimp/vermicelli dish and the flash-fried vegetable. I bet Katherine's tong yuen are better though.

Unknown said...

ahhhhhhhhh...I can see who is interested in the health of my baby!


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