Friday, February 29, 2008

Ergonomic improvements...

During the past month, Katherine and I have been scouring Hong Kong for the right pieces to build a healthy and ergonomic workspace for ourselves. We both sit for hours on end while working and that can lead to some pretty devastating injuries if care isn't taken in the selection of the components we use. The most important of those components is undoubtedly the chair. It must be tuned to one's specific bodyshape and, once it is, all the other components (table, monitor, etc) can be fitted accordingly.

Let's take a look at our previous workspace...

Hotel furniture, essentially. Nothing is adjustable, so Katherine and I were always sitting in poor position - extremely unhealthy. This week, thank goodness, we had two excellent chairs delivered...

...a Duorest for Katherine...

...and a Steelcase Leap for me.

They are wonderful and their effects have been immediately noticeable. We also picked up a height-adjustable table from Ikea which allows us to properly tune the table to our chairs (which, in turn, have been tuned to our bodies). This is only part of the final design, though, since we'll each need a separate table (you might have noticed that Katherine and I are of different heights ;>), but it is a great start. Once we've moved into a permanent place, the final pieces will be obtained and we'll have a great foundation for a healthy, happy life in Hong Kong.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FABULOUS! and most needed....I am thrilled that you both found what works best for you


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