Friday, February 1, 2008

A touch of Shanghainese food...

Much like Hong Kong, Shanghai is a city that's large enough to generate its own genres of food. During this past week, Katherine and I found an absolutely delicious Shanghainese place that's about a 15 minute walk from where we live, so now I'll catch you up with just a few (I promise!) food photos...

Siu Lung Bau ("Small Steamer Bun"). Each dumpling contains a nugget of seasoned pork suspended in a savory broth. One of my favorite foods, and this place made it very well.

Sticky rice cakes (chewy and yummy!) with mixed vegetables.

Ground pork with vegetables and pine nuts in the foreground. Hollow sesame bread shells in the background. To eat this dish, you first stuff the bread shells with the ground meat. I'd never had this before, but it was amazing, and I'm sure I'll be having it many more times!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually...this looks yummy


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