Thursday, April 24, 2008

The newest warden at the University of Hong Kong... Katherine!

At the end of last month, I told the crazy story of our living arrangements in Hong Kong and mentioned that we had negotiated a three-month lease on our current place because we hoped we would be moving one more time.

It's now official and our hopes have been realized! About an hour ago, Katherine received a phone call from the Dean of Student Affairs (and head of the wardenship search committee) to confirm her appointment as the warden and offer his congratulations. Tomorrow they will meet to go over the particulars and, come June, we'll be all set to move in to the residence hall. The entire hiring process took nearly a year and we are very pleased that it ended this way.

By the time I post post-move pictures of the place we're living in now, I'll probably be able to post a tour of the warden's apartment. Stay tuned! ;>


ZRC Erik said...

Wow, congratulations!

Unknown said...

Praising the LORD!

Carson said...

Congratulations, Katherine!!! That's so exciting! Way to break down those gender barriers :) I think you've just been upgraded from Hong Kong Barbie to Hong Kong Wonder Woman.

Unknown said...

AMEN, Carson, that is exactly right!


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