This is your cousin Kim. I thoroughly enjoyed taking the tour of the warden space and viewing your new digs.It seems awesome to be in Hong Kong. You must be very Happy. Your wife is adorable and I have to ask what is she a doctor of? As for Fui Fui my cats saw her picture and sent messages to her. Myrrh says "brrk" (his breed kind of barks)Sassie sends her Meeeeeooooww. (she was remove from her mother too soon) and Bowie says "mmmrrf" He has stomach problems, sorry) Anyway it is great getting a bit of history on you and I wish for love and blessings to you and yourr wife forever,
Hey there, Kim! I'm so pleased that you've been reading and enjoying the blog! We are very much enjoying our time here.
Katherine has her PhD in Linguistics (sociolinguistics, to be precise) and has particular research interests in how the presence of multiple languages (and multiple ways of using a language) in a location affect the society. In Hong Kong, the dominant languages are Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, so she's in a hotbed for her particular area of research.
It was lovely to meet your cats and I'm sure Fui Fui would love for them to visit sometime. :>
Fui Fui, you made my day. I love hearing from you and pray you will have a blessed day, too.
Aww! It's about time Fui Fui got to say hello to all his adoring blog fans. *rubs tummy*
(Fui Fui's, that is.)
Word verification says "jezde!" I bet that's Croatian for something.
Hey Gray,
This is your cousin Kim. I thoroughly enjoyed taking the tour of the warden space and viewing your new digs.It seems awesome to be in Hong Kong. You must be very Happy. Your wife is adorable and I have to ask what is she a doctor of? As for Fui Fui my cats saw her picture and sent messages to her. Myrrh says "brrk" (his breed kind of barks)Sassie sends her Meeeeeooooww. (she was remove from her mother too soon) and Bowie says "mmmrrf" He has stomach problems, sorry) Anyway it is great getting a bit of history on you and I wish for love and blessings to you and yourr wife forever,
Hey there, Kim! I'm so pleased that you've been reading and enjoying the blog! We are very much enjoying our time here.
Katherine has her PhD in Linguistics (sociolinguistics, to be precise) and has particular research interests in how the presence of multiple languages (and multiple ways of using a language) in a location affect the society. In Hong Kong, the dominant languages are Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, so she's in a hotbed for her particular area of research.
It was lovely to meet your cats and I'm sure Fui Fui would love for them to visit sometime. :>
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