Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dan and Phyllis in Hong Kong!

Dan (a teammate of mine in the University of Michigan Medical School) and his wife Phyllis spent two days and nights in Hong Kong this week as part of a touring vacation. Katherine and I whisked them around portions of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island during that time...

You might have to click the picture to get a good look at Dan and Phyllis, but I composed the shot in this way so as to incorporate the fog. This was taken at Victoria Peak and would have normally been backgrounded by tree-covered mountains, but the fog was incredibly dense. Normally you expect to gaze down upon Victoria Harbor from The Peak, but instead we gazed into nothingness. Perhaps not the most desirable outcome, but still unique (and a bit creepy ;>).

The full list of districts we visited during their time here...
Quite a lot for two days, really. On the way, they were also able to experience nearly all the forms of transportation in Hong Kong: airplane, feet, taxi, harbor ferry, double-decker bus, subway (MTR), trolley, mid-levels escalator, and Peak tram. The only thing they really missed was the mini-bus system.

Dan and Phyllis also helped me experience a major milestone in my life: About 80% of the tour list above was led by me alone, and it was the first time I had ever traveled any real distance in Hong Kong without Katherine. (Before, I might have ventured about a half mile from home - something easily walkable. This time I needed to use all those forms of transportation to cover about 30 miles and accurately hit many stops along the way.) Katherine needed to get some work done, and I felt like my time here thus far had given me the tools I needed to go out on my own, so we talked about it and I decided to throw myself in the deep-end. I presented the utmost confidence to Dan and Phyllis, we didn't experience a single problem, and they never knew it was my first time traveling without Katherine - at least, not until I told them just before we parted ways. ;>

It was a really great time and one that I will forever remember!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A TERRIFIC tour guide in the making!!! I can't wait for the opportunity =)


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