Sunday, December 27, 2009

Playing Catch-Up: A Special Evening in Ann Arbor

A few weeks ago, while on our way back to Hong Kong from Virginia, Katherine and I had an all-too-brief stay in Ann Arbor. On our last night there (which was pretty close to our first night ;>), Vera and Chris hosted a wonderful potluck for us...

Vera makes final preparations for dinner (while Linh and Nick wait patiently ;>)

Vera's famous lasagna

Outstanding broccoli bread from Anna and Raomir

Nancy's zesty eggplant compote

Jen provided one of the best salads I've ever tasted

Anna and Jen, keeping most of the children entertained (not far from Andrei's watchful eye)

Vera and Carson are happy accomplices in Jen's plot to steal Luciano!

Linh, Chris, Sander, and Raomir hide in the corner with Luciano

Rounding up the usual suspects
(Salome, Luciano, Mahala, and Andrei)

Big apologies to Nancy: Somehow we got pictures of your husband and son, but not you! :( We didn't get pictures of ourselves either, though, so at least you aren't alone. ;>

It was a night filled with wonderful food and favorite people - we look forward to doing it again soon!


Unknown said...

How fabulous to see all those faces again! Hello, Ann Arbor!!!

Carson said...

What was up with my hair? :Pb


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