Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christin and Jared Arrive!

My sister and her husband have just strolled into Hong Kong for a two-week stay!

Exiting customs and immigration at the airport

Their first minibus ride

Dinner at our favorite Xinjiang restaurant (including stir-fried green beans, minced camel wraps, lamb dumplings, and yogurt)

Dessert at a classroom-themed sweet shop (Christin is having an apple crumble tart and Jared is having chocolate "snow flower ice" (like shaved ice cream)

This was just the first night, but I'll be updating the blog with our adventures as they unfold.


Unknown said...

Looks like a great beginning to a wonderful time together. Enjoy!

Carson said...

Mmm! Glad they got to the Xinjiang place right off the bat. :) Also, Jared's dessert looks REALLY yummy.


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