Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christin and Jared in Hong Kong: Day 5

Refreshed by a day's rest, it was time to venture off Hong Kong Island and concentrate on the center of Kowloon...

Katherine and I needed to stop by University Health Services to get a check-up on our coughs (which we've had for six weeks or so - they are getting better, but aren't completely gone yet), so we dropped Christin and Jared off in the HKU Senior Common Room (a faculty lounge with food and a great view)...

We joined them after our doctor's appointments for a bit of breakfast

Katherine needed to return to work, so Christin, Jared and I bussed down to the central piers and set sail for Tsim Sha Tsui on Star Ferry...

All aboard!

Sipping Starbucks on the way

Fresh off the boat

Making like Bruce Lee on the Avenue of Stars

After wandering Tsim Sha Tsui for a while, we zipped through the MTR to Mong Kok...

One of my favorite districts!

Busy by day (but even busier by night)

Trying the waffle-like "little eggs" (雞蛋仔) a second time

Finishing all four blocks of the "Ladies' Market"

Shopping in a soccer specialty store...

...and finding a Hong Kong national team jersey

Exploring the Flower Market...

...with no end to the flowers in sight!

Trying turtle pudding at 海天堂 (our favorite purveyor)

Nearly bringing home a puppy from the pet shops of the Goldfish Market

After making use of the bathrooms in a nearby McDonald's, we thought we should thank them by having a little snack

Wading through tight market shopping on Fa Yuen ("Garden") Street

Completely canvassing Mong Kok was a major accomplishment, so we returned to Tsim Sha Tsui for a little reward at the flagship Charlie Brown Cafe...

If you love Peanuts characters, this is the place for you!

My Peppermint Hot Chocolate was garnished with a Peppermint Patty profile

Later in the evening, we met up with Katherine for dinner at 有骨氣, one of our favorite hot pot restaurants...

You order raw meat, seafood, and vegetables and cook them yourself in a pot of boiling broth

Like pork balls...

...and squid meat noodles

After dinner we went back to Mong Kok so Christin and Jared could see it at night...

Very luxurious, I'm sure

The "Ladies' Market" at night

Joined by our buddy Brook, who was staying in Hong Kong for one night on his way back to the States, for dessert!

Gray's mango shaved ice cream

Christin and Jared shared some chocolate shaved ice cream

Brook had these rolls of mango and black glutenous rice

Katherine's mango with coconut noodles

We finished the evening by returning to Tsim Sha Tsui and seeing Victoria Harbour at night...

Always a crowd-pleaser!


Unknown said...

LOVED the 'fresh off the boat' pic...and I am all about the shaved chocolate ice cream!!!!!!!

Carson said...

Yay! More piccies!
1) Love Christin and Jared as Bruce Lee. Mwahaha! That's awesome.
2) That dude behind them in the Ladies' Market clearly wants to be in your blog. (and is clearly not a Lady.)
3) Turtle pudding!!! Want!!! I can't tell if Christin looks scared or excited. I'm leaning toward the former.
4) Oh my goodness, Christin and the puppy is adorable!!!
5) I'm glad you told us about using the bathroom in McDonald's. Why was not more blog coverage devoted to this event???
6) Must... stifle... laughter! In the Garden Street photo, there is a woman off to the right looking VERY startled, as if she has just realized that your blog is about to pull the rug out from under her witness protection program.
7) Charlie Brown Cafe looks super-cool!
8) Awesome, you took a picture at the Virginia Hourly Hotel :D :D :D I did not notice last time that it also has a rlevator.
9) I agree with your mother, that shaved chocolate ice cream looks incredible!!! (but then so does your mango... cannot decide!)
10) I am flush with success re: my influence at getting a Fui Fui picture in the blog. I feel this must continue. Where is an orange sweater??? ;)


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