Thursday, September 3, 2009

A unique and traditional family meal with the second floor...

We have a bit of a personnel shortage, so even though Katherine is the Warden, she is also the official "tutor" (like a "resident assistant") for the first and second floors in our residence hall. For that reason, the second floor invited us to join them on Wednesday for a big first-week-of-school dinner...

They were serving a very traditional family meal called poon choi...

The entire meal is slow-cooked together in a giant pot.

The pot has layer upon layer of different ingredients (mostly meat and seafood)

Each pot of poon choi is as unique as the imagination of its chef. Ours contained a whole chicken, fish balls, mushrooms, taro, daikon, pork, fried pork skin, tofu skin, eel, and shrimp. It was my first time trying it and it was wonderful!


Carson said...

Wow! What an elaborate-looking meal!

...but, hang on a sec! Have I totally misunderstood Chinese culture or is it REALLY WEIRD that they have several pairs of chopsticks just stuck into the food? Is that superstition only with bowls of rice?

Unknown said...

Unique, traditional, and yummy...sounds like a winning combination to me!


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