Saturday, September 19, 2009

A treat from Greece...

I thought I'd show you a special gift that Carson picked up for me in Greece...

Every time I read this, it makes me laugh.

Yep, that's nuts "deeped" in honey alright

I made crêpes for breakfast this morning and this made for a tasty topping. The nuts, having spent much time soaked in honey, are quite soft. The honey is very thick and definitely the sweetest I've ever tasted. It's also a bit granular, which makes me wonder if sugar has been added (though I suppose it could just be that it isn't as refined as the honey I'm used to).

At any rate, it's delicious, and I highly recommend it!


Unknown said...

Interesting! FYI as honey ages it will become grainy...a trip to the microwave will improve that situation.

Carson said...

Huh! Nice to know what it looked like inside! Now you have tasted a true Cretan specialty :) And, phew, I'm glad it was as tasty as one would expect of honey-deeped nuts!


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