Sunday, August 16, 2009

GameNight 5!

Just before the summer ends, we thought we'd have a GameNight for the folks who stayed in the residence hall with us during their vacation...

The Cajun series continued with Red Beans and Rice
(about 3.5 gallons of it, not including the rice)

Bananas Foster, a quintessential New Orleanian dessert

Fui Fui has staked out his corner and is ready to dominate in Settlers of Catan

A trilingual game of Pictionary
(with guesses announced in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English)

The PlayStation 3 was never given a rest!

Summer vacation meant a slightly smaller turn-out (about 25), but in no way was there less fun to be had. ;>


Carson said...

Okay, I totally want those bananas foster. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Unknown said...


Amy said...

Missing your desert:)


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