Monday, September 29, 2008

My first interaction with the Hong Kong Hokie Alumni Association chapter...

The past two weeks, a fellow in the HK VTAA has organized tape-delayed viewings of Hokie football games on Sunday afternoon. Last week I declined since the game (vs North Carolina) was aired live at 3:30AM and, after watching it, I was too exhausted to join a rewatching. This week's game (vs Nebraska) was at 8:00AM, so I got a little more sleep beforehand, watched it live, then joined everyone later at the designated location...

"The Wheel" - on Hollywood Road - right in the shadow of the Mid-levels Escalator...

It was only a five-person turnout, unfortunately, but it was nice to meet a few other Hokies (the first I've met in Hong Kong - and also the first Americans I've met). It was also nice to share a big victory over a historical powerhouse program!


Unknown said...

FABULOUS!!! I am so glad you joined the celebration and met a few HOKIES in Hong Kong...What a game to enjoy together!!!

GO HOKIES!!!!!!!!!

Carson said...

How cool! I would say "Who'd've thought there'd be other Hokies in Hong Kong?" but of course, as we know, Hokies are EVERYWHERE.

I hope you said things like "My psychic abilities are telling me that Glennon is about to score! Also, I sense irritation, Captain!"


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