The residents of the second floor came up to visit us last night and, at their request, we all had a little cookout (or "barbecue", as it is broadly termed in Hong Kong).

Out on the balcony, with long two-pronged forks, we all gathered around small charcoal grills...

...and made our own meals. The students provided all the vittle components: beef, chicken (a whole one!), meatballs, hot dogs, fish, corn-on-the-cob, etc. Not only was it delicious, but it was a great social experience for Katherine and I.
After polishing off all the grillables, we returned indoors...

...where I served everyone banana pudding (a classic family recipe from my great aunt Nanu). It was a fantastic hit and, after they gobbled it all up, they asked for the recipe in order to "impress girls". ;> Incidentally, the original recipe calls for
vanilla wafers, but I've yet to find any in Hong Kong. So, instead, I used
ladyfingers (which are fairly common here) and they worked quite well.
The cake you see came from Maxim's and was used in celebrating the birthday of Luke, one of the residents in attendance.

The whole gang - all 21 of us (including Fui Fui)!
Once the festivities were over, right around midnight, the students snapped to attention, organized themselves, and proceeded to efficiently clean everything up!

From sweeping and mopping... washing all the dishes.
It was extremely impressive and not something we asked for at all. They just considered it to be part of their responsibilities as guests! You can bet that we'll want to have them back!
Now I'll go find something else to do while waiting for college football to start in a few hours! Woo!