Saturday, May 17, 2008

Warden's apartment tour redux!

The place is all setup (at least, as much as it'll be setup this week :>) and ready for a fresh viewing! Here you go...

We hope you approve.

In about an hour we're heading to the airport to pickup Carson (my cousin, best man, and the very reason I met Katherine in the first place) for a three week stay...and I can't wait! Blog posts might slow down a bit while he's here, but you'll definitely get to glimpse our adventures from time to time.


Unknown said...

It looks fabulous! I cannot wait to get to school on Monday so I can hear the audio =)

Unknown said...

Praise the LORD I have audio...on my appears Windows firewall was blocking it!!!!!!!! I know you are proud of your momma for figuring that one out (eventually) I don't have to wait until Monday...hopefully that is the same problem at home!

YES, I am very proud of you two. Everything looks fabulous! I am also thankful for Katherine's brother's skill and his willingness to help you all so much....and her mother's talent in the kitchen! You all are truly BLESSED.

Unknown said...

Praise the LORD...I am home and I can hear you now (reminds me of our Sunday conversation as well as a Verizon commercial!) I clicked a few things and now my audio is working (Looks/sounds like I should have tried that sooner)


Unknown said...

Gaye says, "We love the did a great job, and I can't wait to see it in person!"


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