A little tip: When picking up family or friends from the airport, make sure you go
on the day they are actually supposed to arrive! Yesterday I mentioned that we were going to pick Carson up in an hour. Well, we did, but Carson never arrived. Why? Because both Katherine and I had independently come to the conclusion that he would be here on Saturday night (Hong Kong time), but he was in fact scheduled to arrive on Sunday night. Whoops! This was in no way Carson's fault - he clearly listed his arrival date as Sunday in a recent e-mail to us. Perhaps the craziness of moving into a new apartment cross our wires. No worries, though - we figured everything out eventually and went back home (relieved that it had been our mistake and not that Carson was missing. ;>)
Amazingly, though, this experience was exactly what needed to happen, exactly when it needed to happen. As it turned out, Katherine had some very important warden's duties to attend to tonight (Sunday), so there was no way she could go to the airport to meet Carson. This meant I needed to go by myself on the hour-long journey, collect him, and get him back to our apartment. Had Katherine and I not made that exact same trip together yesterday, I probably wouldn't have felt very confident in going alone. But, we did make that trip, so it was fresh in my mind, and that gave me all the confidence and knowledge I needed. Carson and I had no problems at all.

Carson briskly walking out of the customs security zone at the Hong Kong International Airport. (So briskly that my camera couldn't quite focus. ;>)

A picture of all three of us (Katherine joining us remotely via the cell phone I'm holding) greeting Carson upon his arrival!
The adventure begins!
Heh, I'd wondered about that... chalked it up to the time difference.
Well well Carson! Let me voice a unified outcry from all of us in Ann Arbor - YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TOLD US YOU WERE LEAVING!!!!! So, not only we've missed an opportunity to send Katherine and Gray something nice from Ann Arbor with a direct "Carson-Delivery-Service", but even the simple greetings from us! I am really sad about a missed opportunity, really really! Really! !!!!
But anyway - we wish you guys lots of fun and safe journey home.
Heh, what a blur I am! It's interesting being on the other side of this blog for once...
And, Vera: I didn't????? Oh goodness, I really thought I had. We've been trying to work out the details for so long that I thought I had surely mentioned it by now... my apologies! I have told Gray and Katherine that you said hello. :)
Carson, welcome to Hong Kong!
Katherine and Grey, aiya, maybe we can share this joke in Jolly later :P
Praising the LORD for Carson's safety...and for Gray's 'practice' trip to the airport
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