Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Southeast Asian sticky rice cakes...

More sweet treasures from Indonesia as delivered by Katherine's parents...

Everything you see is made with sticky rice dough and steamed. They are elastic and chewy - exactly like Japanese mochi (and made in a very similar way with similar ingredients), if you've tried that. People here would call them "cakes", but they aren't like cakes you'd find in a Stateside bakery. ;> The cakes to the left and right are, we think, chiu chow style and are filled with various treats (peanuts, coconut, etc). The taller cakes in the center are Indonesian and sweetened with coconut sugar, but not filled. They all made a very nice breakfast. ;>

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These remind me of the tasty treats Katherine's mom made for the wedding weekend (at least they look similar)


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