Tuesday, January 15, 2008


If you just said, "God bless you!", you are not alone...but the title of this post is not meant to make you imagine my sneezes. Cempedak is actually a fruit, akin to the Jackfruit (albeit smaller), and Katherine's parents just brought for us to try...from Indonesia! (Last night they returned from a visit there.) Here's how it looks...

Eating it is rather similar to eating very chewy bread dough (slightly similar flavor too). It has an almost custard-like outside, but tougher fibers inside that keep you chewing for minutes. Perhaps not my favorite, but tasty and interesting.


Unknown said...

God bless you, my dear...very interesting...I would be interested in trying this =)

Carson said...

I like that picture.
"Go Hokies!"
(fibrous fruit)

Unknown said...

Nothing like a little bit of smeg in every photo, that's what I say! I think you have inspired me to be more deliberate with my smeg placement. ;>


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