Monday, January 7, 2008

Apartment tour...

Having taken a peek outside our apartment, it's about time you got a look inside...

The audio gets out of sync at the end, but I don't think that'll take too much away from the experience. One day, when I get a pick up a video camera here (or even just a video phone), I'll take some more significant footage outside of the apartment. The MacBook Pro isn't exactly the most discreet video recording device and it wouldn't be too easy (or smart!) to sling it around in public. ;>


Unknown said...

great audio...I need HELP...something in my computer needs to be TWEEEEEEEEEEEKED...any ideas?

Carson said...

Your apartment looks really cool!! But, ha - my audio was VERY out of sync. I got "And Fui Fui likes to sleep in here" as you opened the shower door ;)

Unknown said...

Eep! Sorry you are all having audio troubles! I'm able to play most of it back fine, but experience a half-second audio slippage in the last minute of the video. Hopefully it still gives you a good feel for the place. In future, I'll see if there are any record settings I can modify to make the MacBook more conducive to longer video captures.

Incidentally, if we let him, Fui Fui probably would like to sleep in the shower. ;>

Unknown said...

audio problems are with my me with the settings please

Unknown said...

Wow, it kinda feels like "The Blair Witch Project" after watching it a while...(that comment is actually Jeff's)

LinJ said...

Very nice apartment! Glad to be able to see where you stay.


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