Friday, February 12, 2010

It's corn AND it's chocolate!

Is it me, or does this brand need to work on their product naming...?

Not exactly the most subtle or appetizing name

It's a Japanese candy we found being sold specifically for people to use as a New Year gift and I just couldn't pass it up.
It tastes exactly like popcorn covered in white chocolate, so I suppose the name is at least accurate (well, for people who consider white chocolate to actually be chocolate). Tasty, but I still contend that the name needs help. ;>


Unknown said...

yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy...I want some

Carson said...

Bleargh. No way am I eating "corn chocolate", mild and delicious though it may be. Or "chocolate corn", for that matter! "white chocolate popcorn", OTOH, yummy! (Although I'd rather have milk- or dark-chocolate popcorn, personally.)

However, did I tell you that I recently tried huitlacoche for the first time? It was... interesting! :)


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