Is it me, or does this brand need to work on their product naming...?
Not exactly the most subtle or appetizing name
It's a Japanese candy we found being sold specifically for people to use as a New Year gift and I just couldn't pass it up.

It tastes exactly like popcorn covered in white chocolate, so I suppose the name is at least accurate (well, for people who consider white chocolate to actually be chocolate). Tasty, but I still contend that the name needs help. ;>
yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy...I want some
Bleargh. No way am I eating "corn chocolate", mild and delicious though it may be. Or "chocolate corn", for that matter! "white chocolate popcorn", OTOH, yummy! (Although I'd rather have milk- or dark-chocolate popcorn, personally.)
However, did I tell you that I recently tried huitlacoche for the first time? It was... interesting! :)
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