Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christin and Jared in Hong Kong: Day 3

Our first two days were spent fairly close to home with a focus on city spots. Day 3 was decidedly different in both of those dimensions...

We started by catching a bus to Stanley, one of the popular beach areas on the south side of the Hong Kong Island...

Strolling along Stanley Main Beach...

...while hunting for some shells to take home

Exploring the Main Street waterfront on our way to our lunch spot in Murry House

A Spanish meal on the balcony of Mijas

Cuttlefish and salmon cakes

A creamy soup of the day

Christin's grilled Chilean sea bass

Jared's fried fillet of Sole

Gray's seafood and lamb paella

Christin's crème brûlée

Gray's apple mango crumble

Jared's Chocolate lava cake

The Tin Hau temple beside Murray House

...which we reverently entered

Casting their gaze to the southeast with Main Street in the background

Meandering the Stanley Market

After Stanley, we took a detour on our bus trip north to see Cyberport, where Katherine's brother works...

We then ventured off Hong Kong Island and into Kowloon, where we met Katherine in Jordan to shop at Yue Hwa (our favorite Chinese department store)...

Ready to shop!

Sampling freshly-brewed teas (Jasmine pearls, oolong with osmanthus, "bolay", etc)

Once we were shopped-out, we walked a few doors down for dinner at a fantastic Thai restaurant called Wong Chun Chun...

Jared's coconut milk with cendol and mango

Whole crab in an unbelievably tasty curry sauce

Grilled whole squid

Fried rice with pineapple and chicken

Messy, but good!

We weren't too far from the night market on Temple Street, so we ran over there after dinner, but our stay was cut short by rain...

This was our longest day out so far and we were all ready to crash when we got home. Fui Fui made sure we didn't sleep too late this morning, though...

Satisfying a request from Carson!


Unknown said...

This looks like the most fun day so far...the scenery is beautiful...and the shopping looks fascinating! Wow...what fun you all are having =)

Carson said...

Ooh, a fun day!
1) Just looking at that mango and apple crumble is making me drool (again). Good choice :D (although really, ALL the desserts you guys got at Mijas looked fantastic...)
2) That's a great picture of Christin and Jared at Stanley Market!
3) Yue Hwa! Yay! So happy to see that the tea display is still there. How did Christin and Jared like it?
4) Grilled whole squid... want.
5) Fui Fui!!! Fui Fui!!! *cuddles* That's a great picture of both of them :) My withdrawal is a little better now. Thank you. :)


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