Sunday, April 26, 2009


"Superpass" is a long standing HKU Hall tradition that celebrates the end of classes and marks the beginning of the rigorous examination period. (It is also meant to generate good luck for those exams.) Historically, during this celebration, students use Chinese calligraphy to write blessing-filled couplets on red rectangles of paper...

A couplet given to us by one of our residents
("forever knot same heart")

In the last few years, a new ceremony has been added to the tradition: roast pig carving. The carving of a roast pig has long been common in Hong Kong as a way of blessing a new endeavor (the opening of a new shop, the commencement of a film's principal photography, etc). This week, Katherine presided over our own carving ceremony...

This little piggy went to market

Katherine preparing to perform the Warden's portion of the ceremony: splitting the pig in half, top to toe

Bifurcation time!

One of our resident tutors (like a "resident assistant" in US dorms) getting ready to continue the chopping

Many residents, like this one, take turns with the cleaver

I also was invited to hack off a slice, and I did, but we didn't get it caught on camera (maybe next year ;>). Here's to wishing a "superpass" for all our students!

1 comment:

Unknown said...



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