Sunday, April 26, 2009

GameNight 3!

We've attempted to have a GameNight each month this semester, but March got too busy for us to maintain that pace. We were able to host April's edition last night, though...

The poster advertising the event

As you can see on the poster, I decided to introduce our students to shrimp étouffée (sticking with the Cajun theme established last time)...

Katherine peeling the shrimp and squeezing out the head fat

Jerry, a resident, helping dice the veggies

Many of the ingredients:
celery, scallions, onions, bell peppers (under the onions ;>), a creole spice mixture, and baked roux

Melting the butter, a base component of the sauce

The shrimp head fat, an important flavoring

Activating the roux

The finished product, before being poured over rice

I also decided to bake a dessert this time, and cobbler was the first sweet southern specialty that jumped to mind. I originally wanted to make a peach, blueberry, or blackberry cobbler, but none of those are in season here, so none of them were available (except for perhaps canned / frozen versions, but I really wanted to make something completely fresh). That meant I needed to improvise. Katherine suggested mangoes, which are always plentiful here, and I thought that was a brilliant idea. Mango Cobbler it was!

Sliced mangoes, sugar, lemon juice, and butter

The crust dough, ready to be rolled

The crust is fitted atop the fruit, so we're set to bake

Digging in with vanilla ice cream on hand

The chow triangle rings!

It was a great night, with a great turnout (over 30 residents), and we're looking forward to the next one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! I am impressed! I am sure the evening was a total success and enjoyed by everyone =) (They are probably already waiting for Game Night 4)


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