Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mid-move update!

We're still in the thick if unpacking and setting things up, but I though you all might like a little glimpse into what's going on. Here's our basic move agenda for this week...

Monday: Pack!

Tuesday: Movers tote everything from our former place to our new place. Custom-made TV cabinet is delivered. Small kitchen appliances delivered. Begin unpacking and get the basics setup (master bedroom and bathroom).

Wednesday: Links Relocations delivers all the items we shipped from Ann Arbor (they actually arrived at the end of January, but we kept them in storage). New lighting fixtures delivered (we're replacing almost all of the existing fixtures).

Thursday: Custom-made bedside tables delivered. Continue unpacking and setting up the apartment.

Friday: New lighting fixtures installed. Continue unpacking and setting up the apartment.

Saturday: Continue unpacking and setting up the apartment. Carson (my cousin and best man) arrives in Hong Kong for a three week visit + vacation!

Right now it's Wednesday night, so we're about half-way through the process. Lets take a look at a few images captured thus far...

On Tuesday, just before the movers arrived, I thought I should grab some images of our former apartment since I wasn't ever able to give you a post-move-in tour. This is one looking at our bed in the master bedroom.

Also in the master bedroom, but looking at our wardrobe (with the front removed and almost all of the clothing out).

A shot of the guest bedroom in our former place - you can see a bit of the bed and the wardrobe.

The foyer/office/dining/living room in our former place with the great majority of our stuff ready for the movers.

Tuesday night just before our first dinner in the new place. And that dinner is...Pizza Hut! Strange for us, since we normally don't go for chain restaurants, but pizza was a very easy dinner after a long day (and Pizza Hut could get it to us fastest :>).

Wednesday while Links Relocation is unpacking some of our kitchen goodies. And yes, that fellow is drowning in a sea of packing materials. ;> I must take a moment to mention that Links Relocation was absolutely fantastic in every phase of this move. If you ever need to ship your belongings to a major Chinese city you absolutely must hire Links. They handled 65 boxes for us, getting them all to the complete opposite side of the world, and when they arrived at our door, not a single thing was damaged or broken. Not so much as a chipped dish! (And I should know - I just spent a few hours hand-washing them all, since Hong Kong is not well known for dishwashers. ;>) I can't tell you how impressed I have been with the people and the process.

When next you hear from me, I should be able to give you a video tour of New Apartment version 1.0! Woo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could be there to help unpack. I am so thrilled with your new place!!! Soon you will be all EXCITING!


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