Friday, July 10, 2009

Pringles Fusion?

I thought I'd show you something that made me double-take while shopping yesterday...

Now let me just say that I'm completely an original Pringles man. Always have been. But I couldn't resist picking up "Thai Basil and Garlic Italiano" and "Tandoori Chicken" (they were the only two "Fusion" flavors I found).

Thai on the left, Tandoori on the right

It may not be so obvious in the picture, but the first thing you notice about these is that they are significantly smaller than your average Pringle. I'd say at least 30% smaller. The "Thai Basil and Garlic Italiano" is slightly spicy (from the garlic, I suppose) and definitely has a hint of dried basil. The "Tandoori Chicken" is the real winner, though, with strong Indian-iconic flavors of turmeric, coriander, and cumin. They are both enjoyable, but they have not seduced me away from original Pringles. Fear not.

...but I'm not so sure about Fui Fui. We are very careful about what we feed him, but once in a blue moon we let him try a taste of something outside of his normal diet. (Most of the time he just curiously sniffs whatever it is and then walks away, disinterested.) While I was trying the Pringles out today he was going crazy: licking his chops, circling like a buzzard around my chair, pleading with trill-filled meows, putting his paws on my leg, etc. Feeling sympathy for his Pringle-deprived life, Katherine and I relented...

"Ooh. Tandoori Chicken Pringles smell nice."

"Just one taste won't hurt."

"I'll just see if I can fit my mouth around it. You know, as a test."

"Once you pop, you can't stop!!"

It was too big for him to do anything but lick it, so we broke off a few small pieces and he gobbled them up straight away. Looks like we've found some human food that he'll actually eat (along with whipped cream, which he also begs for). It will be reserved as a very rare treat.

Is anyone else seeing these "Fusion" Pringles at their local grocer?


Unknown said...

Sound yummy ...Fui Fui proves they really are!

Carson said...

Now I'm gonna have to look for them! I'd definitely like to try both, although even aside from your description, Indian sounds a little more tempting to me than Thai/Italian fusion.

I LOVE photos of cats and chips. This was an awesome post for me :)


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