Friday, May 15, 2009

2009 Anniversary Vacation Supplement: Wildlife

We saw quite a lot of wildlife during the vacation - not just yaks and pandas - so this post will fill in some of the blanks.

First, the non-birds...

Moths infiltrate a dandelion!

Is it me, or does this bee have a frighteningly long stinger (coming out of its head!?)?

I'm pretty sure this cute fellow is a vole
(and I'm pretty sure you'll have to click the picture to see him)

The same kind of "cold water fish" (also known as "Songpan Naked Carp") we ate on day 4

"Cold water fish" are the only species of fish in Jiuzhaigou - and Five Flower Lake is teeming with them
(Click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

A tadpole army massing
("They mean to win Wimbledon!")

And now the birds. I believe I've correctly identified most of these, but there are a few that elude me. If you can help, just let me know!

A Chinese Pond Heron, hiding in the reeds

A pair of White Wagtails (one out of focus in the background) scouting a parking lot

A Great Spotted Woodpecker

Unknown bird #1

Unknown bird #1 at another angle

A Chestnut Thrush serenading us from the bushes

Two Mallards (which were everywhere)

The same two Mallards practicing their synchronized preening routine

Mallard preening in motion!
(Click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

A Raven scavaging for lunch

Yes, you too can now watch a Raven dig through trash!
(Click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

Unknown bird #2

Unknown bird #3

A better shot of unknown bird #3

A Grey-Headed Bullfinch

Another Grey-Headed Bullfinch

Unknown bird #4
(he looks like some kind of chickadee here, but...) you can see that unknown bird #4 actually has a tuft

A Buff-Barred Warbler

A White-Browed Laughingthrush

A peacock! (Okay, this wasn't taken "in the wild", it was in the panda research base)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it appears you need to purchase a Peterson's Field Guide for Chinese birds, flowers, and insects! What fun to see all those treasures =)


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