We've finally arrived at our last anniversary vacation post and hopefully it will provide a few chuckles. These are signs (or just bits of writing), gathered throughout the trip, which made us smile for one reason or another. Sometimes it was an English spelling or grammar mistake, sometimes it was a wording choice, and sometimes it was just something that had an unintended alternate meaning.
The three enormous characters above this store read: "YAK MEAT"
Say that three times fast!
Where we went for some fine dinning.
The fire department was not happy about the services of this place.
Yes, I can see how the patchy grass with three fake pandas would be considered an "important ecosystem".
Much fun to be had in this one, so I'll just stay quiet.
The sign was supposed to read "falling rocks", but instead had me wary of every pebble
("A rock! Run!")
I like that Kodak has sponsored this shades-wearing panda to prevent smoking
Plenty to giggle at here, but nothing tops "BBQ Lamp"
And we have proof.
You saw this sign on day 5, but I had to bring it back for this supplement.
"Tasted pork"! "Broken Reserved Vegetable"!
An ATM usage agreement. I like "dubious things" and "keep your PIN by yourself" best :>
Tasteful clothes for the surfing Scotsman
(Dictionary note: "dude" originally referred to a man excessively concerned with his clothes, so this is kind of a brilliant name, but still funny)
Just take as many as you can carry!
I wonder if the Crown Jewels feel the same way?
But, for some, love is best expressed through bothering!
A sequel that, thankfully, Clint Eastwood turned down.
This sign wanted people to line up in a single row, but the literal results are hilarious to imagine. ("If you stop rowing, we're all doomed!")