Friday, July 4, 2008

An unexpected visitor...

This past Tuesday night, Katherine first spotted a new housemate of ours hanging out in the kitchen...

No, it isn't an attacking eagle! That would've been pretty rough. Instead, it's someone hiding behind the eagle-branded box - you can just see his little tail hanging out if you look close enough.

Unfortunately, when we moved the box, he darted up the wall and inside a light switch (through a tiny crack!) much faster than we anticipated.

It wouldn't be until Thursday that he would resurface and, this time, Fui Fui was the first to notice. Fui Fui kept reaching his paws up the wall behind our dining table and meowing as if something were really bothering him. He did this for an hour or so, and we had no idea what he was on about until our new guest suddenly shot out of the air conditioner! It scurried along the ceiling for a moment and then froze in plain sight...

After some corralling (with a sponge mop, of all things), we we able to get him down to the floor where I quickly lowered a piece of disposable tupperware on top of him. After slipping the tupperware's top underneath and sealing it shut, we were finally able to flip it over and take a good look at our new buddy...
I call him Edgar. He's a Bowring's Gecko, one of a few gecko varieties that are very common in Hong Kong. Their tails detach if pulled, they can climb just about anything, and their skin changes color based on temperature and surroundings. Pretty cool.

He was quite cute, but we already have a pretty full family, so we decided to release him back into the wild (on a shrub -covered hillside not far from our residence hall). Fui Fui didn't realize that we had done this, though, and spent the rest of the night trying to figure out where his new playmate had gone (meowing the whole time, as if calling to the gecko ;>).


Unknown said...

Edgar is adorable....and much more appealing than what I first thought could be attached to that tail!

Carson said...

"playmate"... heh heh... yeaaaaaah. I'm sure Edgar would have LOVED Fui Fui's games! ;) He is very very cute, though! I'm sorry you couldn't keep him. And I agree with your mother, I thought you must have a new little mousey friend! (Of course, my first thought was that it was Kroll. But I was wrong.)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Check THIS GUY out!


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