Something else the new year brings: red packets! As we visited family and friends, these money-filled goodies were both given and received...
That would be the results of some good receiving. ;> Humans aren't the only beneficiaries, though...
Fui Fui hasn't managed to get his open yet, but perhaps he will before next year arrives.
Hi Katherine and Gray,
This is the first time I left a message to your blog but actually I am a frequent reader of your blog. Your blog is very interesting, even for a local who has lived in HK for years. And more importantly, I can see your happy life here in HK
May I take this chance to wish you a prosperous year of Rat. Zuk nei dei nin saang gwai zi (Gray, if you can't manage to figure it out what this means, you should consult a linguist :) Also, you need her cooperation to achieve this target.)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you all sounds so very exciting!
Where are OUR red packets this year?????? I am missing mine - Katherine, next time you have to mail a couple of them to AA!!!!!
Happy Chinese New year!! Katherine and Gray, it is always so good to see you here and read about your life, as if you are never too far away!--Lin
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