Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, King Monkey!

This week we attended a gigantic celebration for the 80th birthday of Dr Lawrence Hou (aka "猴子" / "Monkey"). Dr Hou is an active alumnus of our residence hall and, if the guest list to his birthday party is any indication, quite a prominent figure in Hong Kong. The party was held in the Grand Hall of Hong Kong's Convention and Exhibition Centre, a place we visited a little over a year ago for a similarly astonishing event.

Top billing on the Convention Centre's event board

Entering the reception area of Grand Hall...

...where the 1200+ guests mingled while waiting for the dinner call...

...and where the guest of honor (in bow tie and boutonnière) was patiently posing for pictures

Entering the Grand Hall

The motley crew of table 9

Seven of our hall residents (for whom Dr Hou is a mentor) were also in attendance

A standing ovation for King Monkey's entrance

Dr Hou receiving gifts from his family on-stage

Even with Dr Hou deservedly garnering so much attention, one of his guests might have been an equal amount (particularly from the younger females in attendance)...

Alex Fong (standing on the right), an Olympic swimmer turned actor/singer, gracefully receiving wave after wave of adoring fans

The whole event lasted a little under six hours, included a nine-course meal, and was chock-full of speeches and singing performances given by a host of Hong Kong celebrities. Truly a night to remember for King Monkey and his guests, and I'm so glad we could be a part of it.

Happy Birthday, King Monkey!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! What a cool experience (Dad would have loved the 9 course meal) You both looked fabulous (love the pic)

Wondering if the tie you were wearing has significance since it seemed to be a favorite with others as well!


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