Friday, February 5, 2010

It's that wedding time of year!

The last month has been rather uneventful, and un-blog-worthy, but we finally have something exciting to report: Hermann Yim, a good buddy of ours from our time in Ann Arbor, just tied the knot! (He and his wife now live in San Francisco, but they have lots of family and friends here, so they actually had ceremonies on both halves of the Earth.) We were honored to join them for their special day...

The wedding site: St Margaret's Catholic Church in Happy Valley

Last-minute boutonnière adjustments

Enter Wendy, the bride!

Hermann waits patiently

A beautiful setting for a beautiful ceremony

Rounding up batches of folks for pictures (after the ceremony)

We loved seeing Hermann again (not to mention meeting Wendy) and we're very much hoping to see them again before they fly back to the States.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful bride...and such a beautiful church for the wedding!!! Hug them for me if you see them again. Your bride looks quite beautiful too!


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