Sunday, June 28, 2009

Postcards from Hilton Head

Last night we safely returned from our trip to South Carolina and we have a few images to share...

Jared, Christin, Katherine, and I hanging in the hotel

Sunrise above lazy waves
(jet lag had us up before 6AM every morning, so we have many such pictures)

An anonymous fisherman silhouetted by sunrise

Brown pelicans soar to the horizon

A golden retriever frolics in the surf

This starfish went belly-up

A crab ready to mount his surfboard

Another crab scuttles towards his home

Driftwood pointing vaguely in the direction of Hong Kong

A bottlenose dolphin surfaces not too far from shore

Another dolphin submerges

A great egret perched just below our hotel balcony

A great blue heron patiently waiting for breakfast

The same heron nabbing a fish (gifted by a nearby fisherman)

Sailing at sunset

Mom, Dad, and I at the wedding

Christin and Jared get hitched!

An obviously happy occasion

The perfect reason to fly from Hong Kong to South Carolina

The trip was too brief, but we had a fantastic time, and we'll be seeing all these lovely folks again in a few short months. Congratulations to Christin and Jared!


Unknown said...

Wonderful ... just like being there all over again!

Carson said...

Your photos of starfish and crab are AMAZING... likewise Christin, who understandably is glowing on such a special day, but your picture of her is just sooooooooooo good.


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