Monday, May 11, 2009

2009 Anniversary Vacation Day 4: Jiuzhaigou

Our final day in Jiuzhaigou! Here's the journey map...

We began by taking a bus up to the highest drop-off point: "Primeval Forest" (or "Premival Forest", if you believe the map ;>).

A mountain viewed from the drop-off point

Entering the Primeval Forest
(which reminded me of a forest Carson and I once entered in the Venezuelan Andes)

Arrow-Bamboo Lake
(a location used in the 2002 film Hero)

Panda Lake, seemingly so serene...

...until you see all the visitors just behind our shot ;>

One phenomenon that I haven't mentioned yet: At each of the major bus stops, local residents were waiting to sell photographs, clothing, jewelry, and accessories (like umbrellas) to visitors. They also offered to dress visitors up in traditional attire for a small fee (usually so you could take some in-costume photography). Katherine and I didn't participate directly, but we certainly witnessed many people who did. Panda Lake seemed to be the most popular spot for this sort of thing...

Using the Secret Nun Photography Technique
(sans the nuns)

Abandoning the Secret Nun Photography Technique

Moving on: a small inlet at Five Flower Lake

The color-stratified water of Five Flower Lake

The sky-to-surface view of Five Flower Lake

Wind rippling across Five Flower Lake
(click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

One more costume dresser, this time at Five Flower Lake

Plants that looked like baby conifers growing out of Five Flower Lake

A couple preparing for their wedding photos, also at Five Flower Lake
(Jiuzhaigou is a very popular place for wedding photos)

A view of Pearl Beach, which was like a wide, shallow river flowing downhill
(click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

Hanging out at the top of Pearl Waterfall (at the end of Pearl Beach)

A pan down one side of Pearl Waterfall
(click here for the 720p HD version, then click the "HD" icon)

Employing the Secret Nun Photography Technique once more... capture this fashionable high-heeled hiker! Such courage!

A wide shot of of Pearl Waterfall

We were pretty exhausted after our final trek through Jiuzhaigou, and we felt like we had pretty well explored what the nearby town had to offer, so we decided to eat in the hotel Chinese restaurant once more. Let's see what we chose...

A locally-caught fish!
(The direct translation of the name from Chinese is "Cold Water Fish")

The same fish, now steamed
(interestingly, this variety of fish has no scales, much like an eel)

Walnut "flowers" (as mentioned in an earlier post), boiled, vinegar-soaked, and served cold

A closer look at the flowers (they are stripped of their buds before cooking)

Yak brisket with wild mushrooms
(meaning that I actually ate Yak every day during our Jiuzhaigou stay)

Dessert: glutinous rice sheets rolled in sesame seeds and sugar

This was easily my favorite meal to this point. It was fantastic!

Next up: Huanglong and Chengdu!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK...I am ready to go visit


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