Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Year moments...

The week following the Chinese New Year is a special time in Hong Kong with lots of great food, events, reunions, etc. I thought I'd share a few images from the week to give you an idea of what we chose to do...

Kwun Tong Flower Market

Massive flower markets sprout up all across Hong Kong during the first weekend of the New Year, so we chose to visit one very close to where Katherine's parents live.

A popular New Year decoration: poisonous Nipplefruit!

A popular New Year potted plant: Narcissus

Hiding amongst the Mandarin orange trees (with my unintentionally shorter-than-short New Year haircut!)

Strolling by the market stalls

New Year Dinner #2

Another feast whipped up by Katherine's mom, this time at their soon-to-be-former home and only for the immediate family.

Visits from Old Friends

Two of Katherine's HKU classmates, Helena and A-Gaai, brought their daughter (Baau Baau) to see us.

Random Encounters

To my surprise, while waiting at the bus stop, I turned around and discovered the tree which Lipton uses to grow their tea!

Hall Game Night

Most residents of the Hall went home for the New Year break, but some weren't able to, so we held a game night to raise their spirits. About 20 folks showed up, coming and going at different times throughout the evening.

Our little advertisement, posted in the elevators

Some Settlers of Catan (following a great game of Chinese Pictionary)

Evening Harbour Walk in Tsim Sha Tsui

On the final night of the New Year week, we happened to be in Kowloon, so we decided to head over to Victoria Harbour to take in the nightly light show. (Carson and I tried to watch it from Victoria Peak back in May, but came away unimpressed. I've since learned that the show was designed for people standing along the harbour front, so the experience is much better from that vantage.)

Outside the Peninsula Hotel, attempting to capture a rare phenomenon: a "smiling" moon (just above my head, but very tiny, and probably with Venus just to the left of it)

A slightly closer shot of the moon (upper right) over the Peninsula Hotel fountain

Lots of folks gathering for the harbour light show

Enjoying the majesty of the harbour

Bird's Nest!

You know, we've lived in Hong Kong for over a full year now, and this week I finally worked up my courage to try bird's nest. It's an ancient Chinese medicinal jelly purported to have many health benefits. And it's wholly made from bird spit (Swallow spit, to be more precise).

A big, ol' spoonful of bird spit. It's rather stringy, gelatinous, and even a bit chewy.

Down the hatch! It actually doesn't have any flavor or scent, so it wasn't difficult to slurp up.

A very nice week to start 2009!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHH....your photos make me ready for spring! A delightful post =)


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