Saturday, August 30, 2008

The wait is nearly over!

In almost exactly three hours...

(photo credit: Ivan Morozov)

...Virginia Tech will kickoff against East Carolina and the 2008 college football season will be in full swing! Hong Kong cable and satellite providers don't show any US college football, but I'll be watching every minute anyway, thanks to a number of amazing technologies:
Thank goodness for the Internet! ;> Once the source is broadcasting, I have a few special cables (DVI-to-HDMI and miniplug-to-TOSlink) which connect my MacBook Pro up to our HDTV, then I just kick back on the couch and let the football goodness wash over me.

The 12 hour time difference, however, means that coverage starts here on Saturday night at about 10PM, then runs until about noon on Sunday. That means I'm psyching myself up for some all-night football binges, but I think I can handle it. :>

Today, to keep myself busy, I've been killing time in the kitchen - starting with brunch...

Classic French toast, Carper-family style (eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla - which I think is no different from the standard style around the States, but is quite different from the deep-fried Hong Kong style).

After brunch, however, the real cooking began. What better way to celebrate pigskin pageantry than with a pig roast!

Eastern North Carolina pulled pork BBQ! (Thanks to Carson for sharing his recipe!) Now, granted, I didn't actually roast a whole pig, but the Crockpot definitely slow-cooked a good chunk of one. To go with it, something I've never made before...

Lexington-style BBQ slaw, a tangy delicacy that hides in the best BBQ places on Earth. It was surprisingly simple to make and tasted exactly as I remember it (after many years of not having it, mind you). For the second side...

Southern-style black-eyed peas! (Another big thank-you to Carson, who also supplied this recipe!) Now, granted, this is traditionally served on New Year's day, but it's a great accompaniment to BBQ...and "new football season" should qualify as "new year" anyway. ;>

Finally, I used one of my mother's recipes to whip up some fresh cinnamon pita chips (which are made almost exactly like cinnamon toast, except that you use nuggets of sliced pita bread)...

A perfect game-time snack!

Here's to an injury-free victory for the Hokies and a great opening college football weekend for all the GK+HK readers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am totally impressed with your skill in the kitchen...I think you need to share the slaw recipe!



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